Our Vision

Creating communities where aging is honored and celebrated.

Our Mission

Christian Living Communities enriches the quality and dignity of life for older adults through services and care that reflect Christian love, respect, and compassion toward each individual.

Our Vision

Creating communities where aging is honored and celebrated.

Our Mission

Christian Living Communities enriches the quality and dignity of life for older adults through services and care that reflect Christian love, respect, and compassion toward each individual.

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The Non-Profit Difference

CLC is a mission-driven, non-profit organization. We are different than for-profit senior living communities, which are designed to generate profits for shareholders and owners. As a non-profit, we must, of course, ensure sound business practices. But all profits are re-invested back into our communities and the organization to ensure we can continue to meet our mission of enriching the lives of older adults.


Make A Difference

Christian Living Communities is the organization it is today because of your generous support. 

CLC is able to pursue and sustain our vision, mission and values because of your investment. We invite you to join our community of supporters who are helping to ensure the well-being of current and future generations of older adults in enriching environments of connection, growth, citizenship, and joy. 

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Hear From Residents