Give Today - Online, By Phone, or By Mail
You can begin supporting Christian Living Communities’ mission today through our online form, by phone, or by mail.
You have numerous options available to customize your gift – in honor of a loved one, as a monthly or one-time gift, or accompanied by an employer match.
Using Our Secure Online Form
By Phone
Please contact Stormie Foust Maley, Annual Giving Manager, at 720-974-3642.
Additional Giving Options
By Mail
Please make checks* payable to: “Christian Living Communities” and send to:
Christian Living Communities
Attn. Donor Relations
9570 S. Kingston Ct., Ste. 300
Englewood, CO 80112
*Please specify in memo line where to direct your gift.

Stormie Foust Maley
Annual Giving Manager
To learn more, please contact Stormie at 720-974-3642 or
All inquiries are held in strict confidence. There is never an expectation or obligation to complete any gift.
Make an Online Gift Today
To make an online gift today in support of Christian Living Communities' mission, please complete the form below. You have numerous options available to customize your gift – in honor of a loved one, as a monthly or one-time gift, or accompanied by an employer match.
For other giving and support options, explore ways to give.
Make a Tribute Gift
Tribute gifts are a wonderful way to support older adults. When you make a gift in honor or in memory of someone dear, you not only recognize someone who has been important in your life, you help create communities where aging is honored and celebrated. When a tribute gift is made, a thank you is sent to the donor and notification is sent to the person being honored or the family of the person being remembered.
Care. Love. Compassion.
Give Monthly as a C.L.C. Partner
Monthly giving is a sustainable and intentional way to fund areas that are close to your heart, creating a consistent base of support that residents, team members, and families can depend on year after year.
This type of funding sustains rich programming for residents, including art classes and lectures that create opportunities for socializing, learning and joy. It also provides a dependable stream of revenue offering relief and hope for team members and residents who may experience an unforeseen financial hardship or event through no fault of their own.
Monthly gifts may be made via check, auto debit, or credit card.